KSRC1-R-MTL (Ver 2) Miniature Single Channel UHF Receiver


The KSRC1-R-MTL  (Ver 2) Miniature, Single Channel,  Receiver features three, user-selected operation modes: Momentary (press-to-operate)   OR  Toggle (Push ON- Push OFF) OR  Latching
NOTE:  In “Latching” mode the user has 4 sub-options to choose from.

Click to download a copy of the User Instruction sheet: KSRC1-R-MTL V2.pdf

SKU: KSRC1-R-MTL Category:


The KSRC1-R-MTL  (Ver 2) Miniature, Single Channel,  Receiver features three, user-selected operation modes: Momentary (press-to-operate)   OR  Toggle (Push ON- Push OFF) OR  Latching
NOTE:  In “Latching” mode the user has 4 sub-options to choose from. These are:

–  Latch with Mutual Lock (This requires a 2 button transmitter – one button to latch the other to de-latch.)
– Latch for 5 seconds then release
– Latch for 10 Seconds then release
– Latch for 15 seconds then release.

It is designed to work with most encoders, and keyfobs that utilise the PT2262 encoder IC such as our KSRC2-T or our KSRC1-T.
Address encoding of the KSRC1-R-MTL (Ver 2)  is via a push-button “learning mode” whereby the receiver is set up to match its code to a selected transmitter.

(For a guide with programming, please view our YouTube video https://youtu.be/bTL90mQVKtw )

The KSRC1-R-MTL (Ver 2) is fitted into a compact protective enclosure.
Operation Frequency: 433MHz
Range: Up to 100metres line-of-sight – depending upon the transmitter selected.
Working Voltage: 12VDC
Standby Current: 6mA
Sensitivity: -102dBm
Contact: One Form C (Change-Over)
Maximum Contact Rating: 4 Amp 240VAC 3 Amp 30VDC (Resistive Load)
Case Size 40mm x 40mm x 25mm.
Single function control of lighting, heating, access, security, pumps and solenoids.

Additional information

Weight 0.05 kg
Dimensions 5 × 4 × 3 cm