The KSK008 DeMUX Board is designed to improve the brightness of multiplexed displays. Most displays are addressed for only a fraction of the total display time. The resultant brightness is often well below the full capability of the LED. We recommend that you drive each digit with a “static” signal to maximise the brightness of the display. The KSK008 De-Multiplexer” assembly is designed to allow you to do this.
The process of switching LED Digits ON for very brief periods, and then turning them OFF as the others in the series are switched on in turn. This is known as a “Multi-plexed” driver arrangement.
This Kit will capture each “drive instruction” issued to the digit, and then hold that “drive instruction” ON full until a refresh instruction is issued. This is known as “De-multiplexing” (or “Demux” for short).
The KSK008 DeMux kit has been developed to specifically work with the Kitstop range of large LED Displays, however, other displays may be driven with suitable connection arrangements.
Each KSK008 is equipped with jumper-selectable digit options from 1 to 6
Each display digit requires one de-MUX board.
12V DC. operation
Each deMUX is fitted with an output connector and ample power to drive “parallel” digits with the same information. Very useful for “back-to-back” display boards.
Price inc. GST